So today I read in 2nephi ch 9:14 and I am so happy it totally describes
the attitude we should all have that if we really strive to do what is
right we will love correction and doing good
Also she says she is Sosososoooooooo Happy. Love to hear it. Happy new year from our Cydney.
I got transfered to Lusaka after only 6 weeks in Ndola. I work in this area like an hour walk from my house and in a college it is nice I like the college bu . I will get to know it I have a new companion named sister Monga she
stayed with me when I was in Woodlands with Namuana she is Congoliese .
we found 4 new investigators and did service before I left Ndola in an
old folkes home I think it is called ndola home for the aged. I am so exhausted I
don't think I have walked this much in a long time my legs are paining.
Also she got her Christmas package this week. She has not received the pkg with some medicine in it like a month earlier yet but she was really excited to receive this package. Especially the small photo album I sent of pictures from us the last few months.
The work is going great we have a service project for
light the world on Saturday . My favorite scripture this week is Ether
like 6-13 all of those chapters follow the pride cycle and how God works
that if you are humble and listen he will bless you but if you are hard
and difficult then you will have a problem and that the worse you are
especially if you are a leader that it is the people that follow you will struggle as well as you in the things you do . But even the story of
the brother of Jared and how he depended on the lord so much to be able
to see the lord his faith was so strong and I wondered if I could ever
have that strong of faith like him and if their are those out there that
have that strong faith .
I feel like I need to put in here I shared all the creature pictures in Cydneys blog because anyone who knows her knows how much she loves all of gods creatures and so this is so her to notice and even look for animals around her. She also told me she does not see as many dogs in Copper belt as she did in Lusaka. Just something I asked her about today.
I learned how to cook fish. I fry it with salt and it is so nice I love
it and I have never had it before I was so happy to get the package from the scouts and the ward in general I was so grateful for the letters and the cute notes from the kids and the foods and me and my companion have been enjoying them . I am loving the
bible and now from the picture I sent reading Jesus the Christ. my goal is
to finish it by the end of my mission I finished all the other ones. I read true to the faith, My heritage and Our search for happiness and they
will help any one who wants to really understand the background of the
church they are so good this week I was reading about Jesus Christ and
his personal ministry to the Nephites in 3 Nephi and I didn't want to
stop his words are so powerful I know that that book is true above all
other books on earth . Also I was reading about the names that god has
and Jesus has and their meanings and even the other names of the prophets
in the bible an why god changed them .