is good I ate goat hoof once that was ok others say they will give me
chicken gizzard not really excited about that . I eat Nchima this stuff
made of mili meal kind of looks like mashed potatoes but consistency of
stiff porridge . We eat pumpkin leaves they call it chihuahua and other
vegetables that i don't know the name of . this week i got 60
mosquito bites really just mystery bites I got them all on one day no idea i
don't remember when I went to bed woke up they were there . They didn't
Itch the first day then they did I also was so exhausted so I was
walking that day and tripped in the middle of the road and twisted my
ankle and scraped my knee.

I rode a bus to church with Victoria it was really a lot
nicer than the ones I have gone to before they had gospel music playing
it was nice .
me Magi Tombico Victorias bro and sister Tombico is just
like Tucker shy but so nice every time I see him he gets more
comfortable and he is so good at making cool beats .

Me making apple syrup last week and i sat on the counter
I made samosaa dough like made up it was good
dog at one of our investigators house name panther
Mbachi dancing and my legs after the bites
yea that is another part of the week on Wednesday I was
taken to the doctor they gave me a shot because they said it was an
allergy to the bite then cream for my legs
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