Well I had a companion for a day yesterday her name was sister Victoria she is going home tomorrow but our one day together was very fun i was late to church because I went with Victoria and a friend but Victoria took an hour to get ready then we had to pic up her friend but I had 6 people at church which was good and obey gets baptized this week we found a painting of Nemo so I taught Bruce about the book of Mormon .

My week has been so stressful our guard Chimbesa killed a chicken for us to eat then we have pluck the chicken while all that was going on I was in the house but he got me to come outside because he was listening to country music . He is so funny I enjoy having him around at night it is always a smiling face to come home to even though his Zambian accent makes him hard to understand . No rain yet the rainy season is in December . The animals that come out are I don't know I don't really see many animals the animals I am scared of are snakes and spiders . There really Is no wild life where I am at other than at the zoo and the state house but I do see monkeys once in a while, and a few small snakes one way I have seen God in my life is that even tough I am still in a trio my peopole are still progressing Obbey is going to be baptized. John a little 10 year old is on date he is doing well he calls me momi it is cute . All i want is the area and the people I have stewardship over to keep progressing because this is Gods work not mine I am just his hands and voice to keep it going . I live Zambia so much and I hope that is how every person feels about their area and mission it is so true that you are called there for a reason and I know that and strive every day to keep finding those many reasons even if it is hard .
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