This week went by really fast for us too. I had a good week
the other sisters had a baptism, I learned how to carry a baby on my back
and i am good at it so be ready for what ever baby i have to be on my
back in chitanje. Kids fall asleep so fast but you start it when they
are 8 months I asked because there is a lot i need to learn about that
before i am ready for that. Tell Cienna to get married and have a child
so I can practice when I get home if not I will just put Carlie on my
back. When the kids want you to, they say "papu me" so i need to
remember so i can teach my children all that. My next lesson is how
to sweep the dirt and carry a bucket on my head . The sun has started to
come out so I have to apply sun screen liberal and it still is not
enough. I am always a little toasted especially my nose I just cant keep
it safe . Me and my comps are doing good.

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