Proselyting was good we did a lot of walking and I feel
sun burned. One day this week my comps was sick so I was allowed to just
sleep I slept for 5 hours that was fun but I woke up still feeling
tired. So I might be sick or it is sun exhaustion. I put on sunscreen
every day so much it helps me not get burned but I do get tan or red as
you call it. My comp is good . It is like trying to train Cienna imagine
that with a language barrier it is fun and I have really come to love
her even though she is crazy. When she is mad she speaks in French . She
loves to buy things and loves cats and cooking with oil she found out
that my period skipped a month and now she wont let me eat salt . She is
LOUD! She just yells my name for no reason it is a party but all of
that I have gotten used to . I love her and I will be sad when she is
gone and I have to get used to another missionary . I am working on
learning the bible better because the people are scholars and can tell
that I am not. They say if you believe in both why do you not know the
bible well? Daniel decided he is going on a mission . I love zone conference I love it every time we had a follow up from our last one and
it is awesome. I love the way president and sister Kupu speak and teach it
is powerful. We have Mormon helping hand on Saturday we are building a
house. So that will be cool it is for a part member family that I love
so much the wife we are teaching she is older and has taken in so many
kids over the years she told us a story of how she met her husband. It
is through prayer she gave god conditions and then went on a trip and
gave a church money to buy chairs then when she came back her prayer was answered . She has seen God in her life so many times I love that it is
truly a testament to god being real and in our lives .
Yes I had a good Sunday. It was fun but I am tired all the time and I am happy all the time too
this place always has things that make me smile I was reading in ether
this week and I got to the part where they talk about how the boats they
built were tight like a dish and how nothing could prevail against them
and I got thinking how can we do that with ourselves how can we be
tight like a dish Ether ch 6 and how God guided them in everything on
the way to the promised land that he guided them in building and
fortifying in preparing the boats so I thought their is so many things
that can hurt us in these days and so us we have to be tight like a dish
and help others be tight like a dish is part of our missionary work.

I love this girl. Thanks again for sharing her missionary adventures 💕